Postoperative Instructions
Avoid heavy meals on the day of the procedure. You may resume your normal diet the day after the procedure. Be sure to drink plenty of water and avoid constipation.
Care after surgery
Put ice on the scrotum after surgery for up the first 24-48 hours. Place ice every 15-20 minutes then take a 5 minute break. Wear scrotal support for 1-2 weeks. Remove the gauze and scrotal support the day after the procedure. You may place an over-the-counter gauze if there is drainage from the site. Keep the site clean and dry.
You may shower the day after the procedure. However, do not bathe until the skin wound has healed completely.
Clothing and Scrotal Support
A scrotal support will be placed at the time of surgery. Wear scrotal support or fitted underwear (compression shorts) for 1-2 weeks after surgery. Snug support to the scrotum can decrease swelling and promotes healing.
Pain medicine
A local anaesthetic injection is given at the time of surgery. This typically lasts 4-6 hours. In most cases, over-the-counter paracetamol and ibuprofen is sufficient to relieve any discomfort after surgery. Occasionally, you will be given a prescription for pain medicine.
You may resume normal, non-strenuous activity in 48 hours. However, avoid strenuous activity for 1-2 weeks. This includes activities such as running, strenuous exercise, lifting weights, lawn mowing, etc. Do not lift more than 10kg for 1-2 weeks. After 2 weeks, you can commence more strenuous activities such as going to the gym and running. Resume activity gradually. If you overdo it, you may notice some swelling or discomfort. If so, back off for a few days, and then try again at a slower pace.
It is normal to have some moderate swelling and bruising of the skin that lasts 1-2 weeks. After two weeks, you may notice a small lump above and behind the testis on each side. This lump can be about the size of a pea. This is normal. This spot is the body's reaction to surgery. It is called "sperm granuloma". Sometimes this area can be present for 4-6 months. It will resolve eventually with time.
Semen Analysis
You will need to give a semen sample 3-4 months after surgery. You must continue to use your regular method of contraception until you have had your semen analysis and have been told there is no sperm in one sample or very little non-motile sperm in two samples. You are not sterile until the semen analysis confirms success.
Postoperative appointment
Call the office on 08 8119 0961 to make a follow-up appointment for the semen analysis results, if you do not already have a postoperative appointment.
Call the office or present to the Emergency Department if:
Fevers or chills
Excessive bleeding/swelling
Difficulty voiding
Pain not controlled with medication