Urgent Appointments

We recognize that timely access to care is important. We will provide urgent appointments for patients that need urgent care including patients with a new diagnosis of cancer. If you are concerned that your patient may require urgent urological review, please call or email Dr. Ashrafi directly (08 8119 0961). Dr. Ashrafi will make himself available to care for the patient as soon as possible.

Referrals can be in whichever way is most convenient for you including:

Urological conditions that may benefit from expedient review include:

  • Concern for a urological cancer

  • Incidental kidney or bladder masses on imaging

  • Gross hematuria (blood or clots in the urine)

  • Renal colic with or without infective symptoms

  • Hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidney) with impaired renal function

  • Acute urinary retention

Join Our Community


To join our community of General Practitioner specialist referrers, please contact the service by phone for urgent consultations (08 8119 0963), or by fax  (08 8164 5397) or secure messaging (Healthlink: adurolog, Argus or Medical Objects) for routine appointments. Alternatively, drop us an email at admin@adelaideurologycare.com